Thursday, 28 October 2010

Winkworth Arboretum

We took C, L and new grandaughter, E to the NT arboretum at Winkworth near Godalming.  Umbrellas were essential for the first bit but then the rainbow came out and made the view over the lake stunning with all the autumn colour. 
No matter how much you hate the ubiquitous monkey puzzle, this young specimen, Araucaria araucana, could not be ignored and was curiously attractive. The pushchair was hauled up and down the valley and little E was quite oblivious, being fast asleep most of the time.  The first frost had zapped the Gunneras but brought out the colour in the trees.  Some great trees included the NZ Notofagus N. dombeyi and Tolepo, Nissa sylvatica, planted by the lake.

The Sorbus in the foreground is 'Peaches and Cream'
We dropped into the Inn on the Lake for a pub lunch and showed off our little Eira.  She was good as gold and much admired.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Solar concentrator

That's our new eco installation. Dahlias to make you forget it's October.

The tower door has been hung at last
The tower door has been installed on powerful wrought iron hinges inside. The slate-paved area in front of the tower has been enlarged considerably, and a square of lawn put in behind. At some point this may be starred with crocus and other tiny flowers of early spring. We've removed the rose La Belle Sultane to another home--she didn't show to advantage or flower well in such a shady spot. The plan is to find a good white rose that doesn't object to shade and flowers all summer on the wall to the left of the tower.