Looking east from the roof |
On the left is a leafless beech which used to be in the hedge. It will soon be a big tree, The white blossom in the centre foreground is the ancient damson/plum. Rhododendrons behind it are all doing their thing at once. Penjerrick is the pale yellow hybrid with large bells and the red is a Chinese form of
R. arboreum. The pink on the right is
R. davidsonianum that China Wilson named after his surgeon, Dr Davidson who sorted Wilson's leg in Shanghai. The blue one behind is a Bodnant selection of
R. augustinii. Click on the image to see the detail better.
In the middle of the picture you can see the path to the woods with the new white gate. Moving right, you look into the new garden with its new lawn and a few herbaceous plants just coming up. The bare area behind the chairs is where the old ivy-covered Wendy house used to be hidden away. Dense planting up there will increase the protection from wind. Eventually that little garden will be nicely sheltered. One will enjoy one's g and t in the summer evenings.