We tried a new set of dahlias this year, except
White Ballerina, a hold-over that's a star. Even better because it has long stems and is still producing lots of flowers is yellow waterlily
Glorie van Heemstede. The pale orange cactus-flowered dahlia has flowers that are gorgeous but a little too big for the strength of the neck. Can't find its name. Chat Noir may be Sarah Raven's favourite, but it seems too uniformly dark and doesn't last well indoors. We should go back to cactus
Hillcrest Royal next year. It was good in 2010. The unknown pink/yellow-centred waterlily given by a friend from Treborth is definitely a keeper. We will try to insulate the tubers in the ground over winter. The little dark red pompom Ivanette didn't produce a lot of flowers, but it is good to have a pompom. Might try
New Baby orange next year. One of the Karma series, Sangria, a cactus, would be one of the remaining plants. Also rather shy to flower.
Karma Corona would be better, if a strong grower. It is a strong orange. The Karma group are bred for a long life as cut flowers. I seem to remember we liked
Taratahi Ruby a lot last year, a very bright red waterlily.
Apache is a cactus in the same colour, but we couldn't find it last year. Another cactus dahlia to look for again is
City of Rotterdam which did very well in 2009. Another bright orange, which kept going very well. It is said to be 20" high, which would be good.
Robin Lane Fox advises Vitax Q-4 at planting, Miracle-Gro through July, then Tomorite for good buds and flowers. Will we have artificials like that in the new age that's coming? And plenty of water.
These are dahlias mentioned by him: Dawn Sky, shell-pink decorative with long stems. Scaur Swinton, salmon/pink fine performer. Silver-pink waterlily Pearl of Heemstede. Pale cream waterlily Cameo, and waterlily Glorie van Heemstede. These are all a bit tasteful.....
SR notes: Geerling's Jubilee is a hot strong pink cactus type. Autumn Lustre is a small decorative orange that SR likes a lot for its staying ability. New Baby also recommended by her.