Sunday 24 January 2010

Lengthening Days

Yes, everything is wakening up, including the gardeners who can now work on until five o'clock.  The snowdrops appeared just a couple of days after the snow went and have increased daily.  We have them scattered about the garden and lots and lots up the wood in great drifts.  We have two clones of snowdrop.  Both came from mother in Lesmahagow.  One is the common or garden Galanthus nivalis and the other, a taller one with broader leaves and darker green chevron on the inner perianth.  This, John Grimshaw says, is G. x valentinei but he does not rate this particular clone!  It does multiply well and is early.

We have them associated with the Arum italicum 'Pictum', now called A. i. 'Marmoratum', and the Setterwort, Helleborus foetidus which does well in the dry shade.
Hellebores are pushing up rapidly in the garden.  Our favourite is this picotee which we got at Ashworth Nurseries; it is particularly early and vigorous.
And of course the early clones of primroses have been out for some time now and don't seem to mind the bad weather.

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