This is R. 'Complicata'; it is unique in lasting in water for at least 5 days |
Roses at Siambra Gwynion, 2012
Lane leaving house
Rosa canina: Dog Rose; on hedge; common but worth having
Rosa rubiginosa: Eglantine; on hedge; strong rose pink with good hips; foliage has smell of apples in damp weather
On East side of drive
Trier: small flowered hybrid musk with white-pink flushed flowers
Smarty: sprawling shrub with sprays of single blooms like our wild, Rosa canina
Rosa pimpinellifolia: The Burnet Rose, grows on dunes around our coasts; this selection is from the Altai mountains in Central Asia; larger lemon-yellow flowers in May
Blush Noisette: clusters of pink, semidouble flowers on vigorous bush, flowering into winter; good scent
Rosa nutkana: from Western USA; single pink blooms in June
Rosa farreri persetosa: Farrer’s threepenny-bit rose; NW China; attractive spiny branches lined with small pink blooms in May
R. multiflora: wild species from Japan and China with clusters of single white flowers
On West side of drive
Scintillation: large clusters of single pink flowers with red blush in June; good orange-green hips
Rosa californica ‘plena’: a double form of the Californian native; once flowering
Rosa glauca (syn R. rubrifolia): good glaucous green foliage with red and white flowers followed by dark red hips
Polyantha Grandiflora (syn. gentiliana): by the electronic substation; old far-eastern hybrid with huge bunches of single, white flowers with golden boss of stamens in late June; well scented; colourful hips; vigorous
Car park and front of house
Brenda Colvin: vigorous rambler, large bunches of semi-double pink flowers; well scented; July flowering
Max Graff single rose-pink; mound of foliage
R. moyesii: dark scarlet, single blooms in June and flask-shaped hips
Phyllis Bide: climbing; intriguing apricot colour fading to cream; flowering into winter, one of the best climbers but no scent
East side garden
Agnes: rugosa hybrid; lemon colour and lemon scent. Flowers into autumn
R. multiflora: wild species from China
Belle Sultane: single crimson, once flowering
Bouquet Tout Fait: an old climbing Noisette rose with pink/white blooms.
Masquerade: climbing, daughter’s favourite
Tour de Malakoff: gallica with marbled, mauve petals in June
In box bed
Roseraie de l’Hay: rugosa hybrid with strongly scented, dark purple flowers all summer long
Pink Surprise: rugosa hybrid with delicate, pale-pink, single flowers with prominent ring of stamens
Ruskin: rugosa hybrid with deep scarlet, highly scented, double blooms
Sarah van Fleet: rugosa hybrid with pink, semi-double flowers
On rose arch
Morletii: old Boursault rose; semi-double, dark pink; blooms once; thornless; good autumn colour on leaves
Grandma Jenny’s Rose: an old American climber with double pink flowers in August (found in Virginia)
Back wall of house
Agnes: rugosa hybrid; lemon colour and lemon scent. Flowers into autumn
Cupid: climber with crushed, large, single flowers in clusters early June followed by large orange hips
Wood garden
Alain Blanchard: semi-double, crimson with purple mottling, once flowering shrub rose
Penelope: hybrid musk; repeat flowering
Scharlachglut: vigorous sprawling shrub with intense scarlet flowers in June and good scarlet hips
Gloire de Dijon: Noisette climber with buff-yellow, scented, double flowers; repeats well.
Complicata: stunning large, single, pink flowers on sprawling plant; once flowering
R. rugosa: common Japanese species; single flowers in crimson and white; colourful autumn leaves and hips
Windrush: vigorous shrub with semi-double yellow flowers with sharp scent; repeats well
Top border
Albéric Barbier: lemon-yellow climber, shiny foliage; once flowering; tough
American Pillar: climber; big sprays of rose and white single flowers in July.
Albertine: climber with copper pink flowers and coppery foliage. Apple scent to some
Back garden
Blush Noisette: clusters of pink, semi-double flowers on vigorous bush, flowering into winter
William Lobb: moss rose with dark purple flowers fading to mauve. Once flowering
Rosa glauca (syn R. rubrifolia): wild rose from S. Europe; good glaucous green foliage with red and white flowers followed by dark red hips
Mutabilis: ancient china rose; flowers open apricot pink and fade to crimson
Rosa Mundi: old gallica hybrid with striped rose-pink and white flowers in late June
Conservatory lawn
Irène Watts: China; large, pale pink flowers; repeats well; reddish foliage
Dainty Bess: hybrid tea with pink, single flowers and dark stamens
Mrs Doreen Pike: in pot; rugosa hybrid; double, pink flowers; Doreen is a tad tarty
Perle d’Or: China with apricot, pointed-bud flowers
Old Blush China: two in pots; a great old China flowering non-stop if weather is kind; great scent
François Juranville: old climber, a bit like Albertine only better; flowers in June but sometimes later too.; watch out for mildew
Mme Alfred Carrière: excellent noisette climber with off-white, large, double blooms bourne throughout the summer and autumn
Rose de Rescht: old double Portland rose; purple flowers; repeats well
Joan Morgan rose: an old sprawling single like ‘Tuscany’ found in hedgerow near Joan’s house in Cororion, Tregarth
Stanwell Perpetual: a pimpinellifolia hybrid; flesh-pink fading to white; scent of Turkish Delight
Tuscany Superb: on willow tripod; sumptuous dark crimson-purple with golden boss of stamens
Celestial: Alba rose with bluish foliage and flesh-pink flowers in late June
White Wings: hybrid tea against wall; white with startling dark red anthers
Ispahan: Centifolia rose; double with good scent; once flowering over many weeks
Phyllis Bide: climbing; intriguing apricot colour fading to cream; flowering into winter, one of our favourite climbers but no scent
Cornelia: hybrid musk; bunches of small, deep rose flowers, repeating well
Little White Pet: small bush with pink buds opening white
Tower garden.
Violette: climber with bunches of tiny semi-double dark violet blooms in June
Summer Sunset:: on tower; repeat flowering but with undistinguished blooms
Snow Goose: an Austin climber with white blooms in June