Saturday, 16 June 2012

Roses at Siambra Gwynion

this week our garden was open to a group of 40 U3A garden enthusiasts.  After hearing my talk on roses, they asked to come and see them in the flesh.  Tuesday was the best day we have had in weeks, apart from a stiff breeze at times.  The roses were not at their best and would have needed another week of good weather to excel.  Anyway they were much appreciated and all had a good tuck in to tea/coffee/corbie's lemonade and biscuits of superior brands.
This is R. 'Complicata'; it is unique in lasting in water for at least 5 days

Roses at Siambra Gwynion, 2012

Lane leaving house

Rosa canina: Dog Rose; on hedge; common but worth having

Rosa rubiginosa: Eglantine; on hedge; strong rose pink with good hips; foliage has smell of apples in damp weather

On East side of drive

Trier: small flowered hybrid musk with white-pink flushed flowers

Smarty: sprawling shrub with sprays of single blooms like our wild, Rosa canina

Rosa pimpinellifolia: The Burnet Rose, grows on dunes around our coasts; this selection is from the Altai mountains in Central Asia; larger lemon-yellow flowers in May

Blush Noisette: clusters of pink, semidouble flowers on vigorous bush, flowering into winter; good scent

Rosa nutkana: from Western USA; single pink blooms in June

Rosa farreri persetosa: Farrer’s threepenny-bit rose; NW China; attractive spiny branches lined with small pink blooms in May

R. multiflora: wild species from Japan and China with clusters of single white flowers

On West side of drive

Scintillation: large clusters of single pink flowers with red blush in June; good orange-green hips

Rosa californica ‘plena’: a double form of the Californian native; once flowering

Rosa glauca (syn R. rubrifolia): good glaucous green foliage with red and white flowers followed by dark red hips

Polyantha Grandiflora (syn. gentiliana): by the electronic substation; old far-eastern hybrid with huge bunches of single, white flowers with golden boss of stamens in late June; well scented; colourful hips; vigorous

Car park and front of house

Brenda Colvin: vigorous rambler, large bunches of semi-double pink flowers; well scented; July flowering

Max Graff single rose-pink; mound of foliage

R. moyesii: dark scarlet, single blooms in June and flask-shaped hips

Phyllis Bide: climbing; intriguing apricot colour fading to cream; flowering into winter, one of the best climbers but no scent

East side garden

Agnes: rugosa hybrid; lemon colour and lemon scent. Flowers into autumn

R. multiflora: wild species from China

Belle Sultane: single crimson, once flowering

Bouquet Tout Fait: an old climbing Noisette rose with pink/white blooms.

Masquerade: climbing, daughter’s favourite

Tour de Malakoff: gallica with marbled, mauve petals in June

In box bed

Roseraie de l’Hay: rugosa hybrid with strongly scented, dark purple flowers all summer long

Pink Surprise: rugosa hybrid with delicate, pale-pink, single flowers with prominent ring of stamens

Ruskin: rugosa hybrid with deep scarlet, highly scented, double blooms

Sarah van Fleet: rugosa hybrid with pink, semi-double flowers

On rose arch

Morletii: old Boursault rose; semi-double, dark pink; blooms once; thornless; good autumn colour on leaves

Grandma Jenny’s Rose: an old American climber with double pink flowers in August (found in Virginia)

Back wall of house

Agnes: rugosa hybrid; lemon colour and lemon scent. Flowers into autumn

Cupid: climber with crushed, large, single flowers in clusters early June followed by large orange hips

Wood garden

Alain Blanchard: semi-double, crimson with purple mottling, once flowering shrub rose

Penelope: hybrid musk; repeat flowering

Scharlachglut: vigorous sprawling shrub with intense scarlet flowers in June and good scarlet hips

Gloire de Dijon: Noisette climber with buff-yellow, scented, double flowers; repeats well.

Complicata: stunning large, single, pink flowers on sprawling plant; once flowering

R. rugosa: common Japanese species; single flowers in crimson and white; colourful autumn leaves and hips

Windrush: vigorous shrub with semi-double yellow flowers with sharp scent; repeats well

Top border

Albéric Barbier: lemon-yellow climber, shiny foliage; once flowering; tough

American Pillar: climber; big sprays of rose and white single flowers in July.

Albertine: climber with copper pink flowers and coppery foliage. Apple scent to some

Back garden

Blush Noisette: clusters of pink, semi-double flowers on vigorous bush, flowering into winter

William Lobb: moss rose with dark purple flowers fading to mauve. Once flowering

Rosa glauca (syn R. rubrifolia): wild rose from S. Europe; good glaucous green foliage with red and white flowers followed by dark red hips

Mutabilis: ancient china rose; flowers open apricot pink and fade to crimson

Rosa Mundi: old gallica hybrid with striped rose-pink and white flowers in late June

Conservatory lawn

Irène Watts: China; large, pale pink flowers; repeats well; reddish foliage

Dainty Bess: hybrid tea with pink, single flowers and dark stamens

Mrs Doreen Pike: in pot; rugosa hybrid; double, pink flowers; Doreen is a tad tarty

Perle d’Or: China with apricot, pointed-bud flowers

Old Blush China: two in pots; a great old China flowering non-stop if weather is kind; great scent

François Juranville: old climber, a bit like Albertine only better; flowers in June but sometimes later too.; watch out for mildew

Mme Alfred Carrière: excellent noisette climber with off-white, large, double blooms bourne throughout the summer and autumn

Rose de Rescht: old double Portland rose; purple flowers; repeats well

Joan Morgan rose: an old sprawling single like ‘Tuscany’ found in hedgerow near Joan’s house in Cororion, Tregarth

Stanwell Perpetual: a pimpinellifolia hybrid; flesh-pink fading to white; scent of Turkish Delight

Tuscany Superb: on willow tripod; sumptuous dark crimson-purple with golden boss of stamens

Celestial: Alba rose with bluish foliage and flesh-pink flowers in late June

White Wings: hybrid tea against wall; white with startling dark red anthers

Ispahan: Centifolia rose; double with good scent; once flowering over many weeks

Phyllis Bide: climbing; intriguing apricot colour fading to cream; flowering into winter, one of our favourite climbers but no scent

Cornelia: hybrid musk; bunches of small, deep rose flowers, repeating well

Little White Pet: small bush with pink buds opening white

Tower garden.

Violette: climber with bunches of tiny semi-double dark violet blooms in June

Summer Sunset:: on tower; repeat flowering but with undistinguished blooms

Snow Goose: an Austin climber with white blooms in June

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